Saturday, January 14, 2012

15 years not totally wasted, just getting "wasted" too often

In the last post I was frustrated that I had "wasted the last 15 years waiting for my reason to change". That's only part true. It was not all a waste because I have learned so much, and not gained more weight than I did. I am frustrated that it's 15 years later and I am still fighting this, and I have spent far too much of that 15 years "wasted", meaning in a food haze, or outright "food coma" from overeating fast food, junk food, and platters from places like Chili's.

The Good

The most useful and life changing information so far came from Dr. McDougall, Jeff Novick RD, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Kessler, and a few others in person, and through their DVD's, websites, forums, and books. Much of this information is free in great detail on their websites, and they often make great videos on YouTube, with updates on Twitter and Facebook. Their books can even be found in libraries.

My favorite part about everything these professionals have to say is that it's free, simple, safe, and backed by peer reviewed studies published in leading medical journals. They are not selling pills, supplements, special secret information, or subscriptions. You can buy great DVD's or books from them if you want, but the basics, many recipes, support, and more are all free. They are out there doing their best to help as many people as they can, so more people can avoid expensive doctor treatments, obesity, and diseases caused by the wrong foods. The plant-based low-fat way of eating saves you a ton of money in food costs, as well as saving you a small fortune by avoiding many medical treatments, pills, and surgeries for problems caused by the standard American diet.

Everything I have learned so far has helped me get better at this eating right weight loss thing.

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